Monday, 29 October 2012

Phoenix rises

Sadly we received a call from our friend Craig in Italy yesterday morning to advise that someone broke in and set fire to our little holiday villa in Palmoli. The old lady who lives up the hill saw the flames on the roof and called the fire brigade who managed to put out the fire before it started in the new extension.  Unfortunately, the old cottage with the lovely oak beams is now gone, and all but the thick stone walls remain.
The meter thick wall that separated the buildings acted as a fire barrier but the extreme heat has damaged every window, melting the fridge, boiler and electrics and what hasn't burned or melted, smoke damage has done the rest. 
At present we are shocked although as we are unable to see the damage with our own eyes, so it seems quite surreal. Luckily no-one was hurt and we have insurance but cover will not be confirmed until we meet with the Loss Adjusters in Italy thereafter the Insurers confirmation. It will be an anxious couple of weeks to say the least. Fingers crossed it will all go as smoothly as possible.
As it was our holiday house, we didn't leave anything of sentimental value, just our hearts in what we tried to achieve. Based on evidence that they didn't take anything, we suspect this incident has something to do with the builder based on our lengthy legal dispute, which was settled earlier this year in our favour but clearly the judgement of the law wasn't enough.

We simply can not comprehend what would posses anyone to do such a malicious act. We have made so many lovely friends in Italy and we would never tarnish all Italians with the same brush.

It took 3 years searching for a property, and another 3 years planning and building. We wanted to introduce Abruzzo to friends and family and enjoy our little part of Italy, and this year all our efforts were coming to fruition. Now we're back to where we started and it just means more hard work.

Of course we're bruised but by no means broken.  We are not victims and we will rebuild. From the ashes, the Phoenix rises.

Thanks for all your well wishes and support xxxx